

DeepSource helps you automatically find and fix issues in your code during code reviews, such as bug risks, anti-patterns, performance issues, and security flaws. It takes less than 5 minutes to set up with your Bitbucket, GitHub, or GitLab account. It works for Python, Go, Ruby, Java, and JavaScript. It helps developers, who care about writing good code, and engineering teams save time in code reviews and systematically improve code quality and security.

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Our Roast or Toast
Roast or Toaster: jaden
Auto-correct for writing code

Much like sending a text message where minor corrections are automatically fixed, DeepSource fixes minor issues automatically in your code.

Code quality is always an important subject when it comes to building great scalable software. I've used many tools myself in the past to help streamline the review process when building quality software.

DeepSource provides automated analysis on pull requests by detecting and fixing small issues in the developer's code.

What we like

  • Signup / Onboarding was very straightforward. I signed up with GitHub and integrated a project to try it out. I was walked right through it and only took a couple of minutes.
  • The company has been around since 2018 and is backed by YC. The team seems like a diverse and mature group of engineers.
  • Very GitHub-like look and feel when browsing around the app dashboard. I felt like I didn't need to spend much time getting familiar with the dashboard.
  • I love the technical writer program! I may even submit something after trying it out.

What we don't like

  • There is no Slack integration out of the box. Yes, they provide web-hooks which is the next best thing and allows integration elsewhere fairly easily with a little work. I would like to see more out-of-the-box integrations.
  • FYI - Broken link in footer


I've been a part of quite a few teams in the past where minor PR's review comments had slowed down merge time of upwards to a week. Developers would go back and forth on very minor issues that this product could auto-correct right away. We are human and we can't write perfect code every single time. This tool is a great side-car to keep things moving instead of getting stuck fixing minor issues over and over.

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