Function Store

Function Store

1. A Marketplace of reusable, expert-built, and well-tested Google Cloud Functions 2. A Platform of tools to simplify building web apps on Google Cloud and Firebase 3. An opportunity for developers around the world to generate a new income stream 4. 20x faster to implement new features for your web app

Submitted By: connor
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Dev toolsDevOpsMarketplaceProductivity
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Roast or Toaster: jaden
Useful nitch marketplace for early stage GCP applications

This review is from an engineering point of view

Functions Store is a marketplace for GCP/Firebase cloud functions. If you are not familiar with that terminology, Cloud Functions are similar to Amazon Web Services Lambda Functions. Functions Store provides a library of functions available to purchase and install in your GCP account at a reasonable cost.

After looking through the available functions in the marketplace, most of the functions are very low cost, around a few dollars apiece. Some of them are even free. I was recently working on a project myself that was a GCP/Firebase project utilizing a handful of cloud functions and if I had known about this product I may have tried to utilize some.

I'm a very big believer in not reinventing the wheel. Especially very early on in a project. This marketplace contributes to helping move features along quickly especially early on in an application development cycle.

What we like

  • Less code to write initially when building applications. In the early stages of applications, much of the code that is written is for common processes that happen over and over for many applications.
  • I like starting with the GCP nitch as validating with a single provider will result in less effort to prove this marketplace out before considering additional providers.
  • Great documentation resources. Very well done and thorough.

What we don't like

  • Functions library was minimal. This will take a lot of effort to grow this library.
  • When I clicked "Request a Function" it took me to a website but did not appear to be wired up. I'm assuming it was the product that will be used to collect interest in developing particular functions.
  • I like the product roadmap page but didn't seem to be much there leading to assume minimal resources are being dedicated to this project. I would recommend either remove it or keep it up to date.

Overall I like the direction this marketplace is headed. Most of the issues I noticed will be solved with time and devoting additional resources to this application. I feel that there are some strong legs here if the marketplace can continue to grow. I wasn't able to find another marketplace like this one so I believe Function Store has a unique position in the market to take off if they can keep things moving.

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