

Notabase is a personal knowledge base for networked thinking. Link your notes and knowledge together and empower your writing, research, and ideas.

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Our Roast or Toast
Roast or Toaster: jaden
Not your typical note taking app

Notabase is another note-taking application with a unique twist. It connects notes based on bio-directional links. This is a very unique take as most note applications just allow you to create standard notes that live inside notebooks. I don't remember using any other application in the past that would allow you to link notes back and forth besides just external links.

The founder has a very verbose background with experience from several large tech companies.

There are some large competitors in the space. I've used Evernote and Notion myself. However, I think the bio-directional links adds a little bit of separation.

What we like

  • Very clean/simple UI
  • Sign up was easy
  • No learning curve as most users already know how to write notes
  • ❤️ that there is a Discord group. The community is big. Communities are key to success today.
  • The founder is very well experienced by well-known organizations.

What we don't like

  • Concerned about if the linking feature will appeal to users enough to switch from existing applications. At this point in time, I think the majority of users are probably already using an existing application. Possibly even just Apple's built-in note-taking application.
  • The bio-directional linking is great however it wouldn't be enough for me to switch from my main application which is Notion. I heavily rely on search capability which Notion has great full-text support for.

Overall I do like this application, however, in its current stage, I'm not sure it is enough to convince me to switch.

I would recommend continuing to push the community aspect as well as the open-source side. Allowing users to "self-host" this could be big among growing privacy concerns.

I believe we are entering a new era of SASS products where we are starting to see this "micro-saas" culture where users are starting to enjoy using smaller company's products as we can connect more on a personal level. Overall, Notabase is solid but it has some room to grow.

Notabase gets a score of 65%

  • Originality: 3
  • Product Market Fit: 5
  • Message Clarity: 9
  • Total Addressable Market: 8
  • UI: 8
  • Ease of Use: 8
  • Execution: 7

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