

Personalised subscription boxes and wedding favors filled with goods made by local retailers that can be purchased either through the website (to be launched) or by scanning a QR code and choosing your location and the type of box you want (e.g. coffee, chocolates, petcare, etc.) through a tech-agnostic app made with Glide. There’s expansion potential to many UK cities. I’ll start in Bristol & Cardiff, & later have several hubs across Britain with at least 2 people working in each (salespersons & packaging persons), where boxes/favours with the local SMEs’ goods will be sold This benefits both consumers and communities directly - e.g. city of Bristol residents would receive local sellers’ personalised products in their boxes, Cardiff residents would receive their area’s retailers’, etc, thus resolving the issue of overwhelming choice & helping customers supporting local retailers in a convenient way.

Submitted By: esukhanova92
Our Roast or Toast
We‘re working on getting to this product right away!